Customer Focus:

To gain competitive advantage for our customers by listening and working with them to bring inspired added value logistics and Warehouse solutions for them.   To measure our performance to ensure we meet, and where possible, exceed our customers’ expectations.


Directors and Management of AIS Show freight recognize the need for continuous improvement, by providing clear direction and support to ensure customers needs and expectations are satisfied and where possible exceeded


To encourage everyone through our open door policy and people surveys to play a pro-active role in the future development of our business. To keep all our personnel fully appraised of our business plans, successes and ambition.


Periodically we will benchmark our activities as part of our challenge to achieve continuous improvement.


Our team will be supported by innovative and proven physical resources, to positively contribute to the effectiveness of our performance.


To work with our suppliers in a true spirit of partnership to enable them to meet the same demanding standards we set upon ourselves and to provide benefits to all parties.


To achieve sustained growth and to reach as trusted logistics company in Sultanate of Oman .

The above objectives are reviewed regularly by the Directors and Management of the company, to ensure their effectiveness and to sustain continuous improvement. Procedures are documented for each of our customer’s operations to ensure that consistency and quality are maintained. These operations are further supported by the company’s quality procedures, and any regulatory or statutory requirements are considered. Our Quality Management System is audited internally and certified by an external body, the responsibility for which rests with the Managing Director, in conjunction with the Compliance Manager for AIS Show freight. Our team will ensure that our quality policy and objectives are understood, implemented and maintained within our business